On 02/18/2013 04:01 PM, Linda W wrote: > Has anyone looked at their average cached object size > lately? > > At one point, I assume due to measurements, squid > set a default to 13KB / item. > > About 6 or so years ago, I checked mine out: > (cd /var/cache/squid; > cachedirs=( $(printf "%02X " {0..63}) ) > echo $[$(du -sk|cut -f1)/$(find ${cachedirs[@]} -type f |wc -l)] > ) > --- got '47K, or over 3x the default. > > Did it again recently: > 310K/item average. > > Is the average size of web items going up or are these peculiar to > my users' browser habits (or auto-update programs from windows > going through cache, etc...). According to stats collected by Google in May 2010, the mean size of a GET response was about 7KB: https://developers.google.com/speed/articles/web-metrics Note that the median GET response size was less than 3KB. I doubt things have changed that much since then. Google stats are biased because they are collected by Googlebot. However, if you look at fresh HTTP archive stats, they seem to give a picture closer to 2010 Google stats than to yours: http://httparchive.org/trends.php#bytesTotal&reqTotal (I assume you need to divide bytesTotal by reqTotal to get mean response size of about 14KB). The only noticeable "up" trend on those HTTP archive graphs is that of an average image size. In other cases, the total download size seems to grow with the number of downloads (if at all). YMMV, Alex.