Try to contact the dns servers maintainer using postmaster or any other
relevant address.
You can consult about it in ISOC mailing list.
BIND has very nice logging options about lazy and problematic dns
servers which can help you prevent these issues.
It's a very common problem in the dns world not related just to IPV6.
On 2/12/2013 12:36 PM, Sandrini Christian (xsnd) wrote:
That is what I guessed as well. But we can not control their DNS and the "solution" so far was not to check for AAAA records. It is silly for one domain but it is a quite important one that is used a lot.
Not sure if there is any alternatives? I thought that squid 3.2 is doing parallel lookups to AAAA and A records?
Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer <at>