Hello, I have tried the following ACL under the last squid 3.2.6 release to block Java Applet if Java 7 version is update 01 to update 10 (Just allowing Java 7 update 11). acl Java_UA browser Java/1\.7\.0_0 Java/1\.7\.0_10 ... http_access deny Java_UA ... deny_info ERR_JAVA_BROWSER Java_UA With Java 7 release other than update 11 applet is effectively not executed and update 11 are executed. However it's not really OK : - Customized HTML Error message ERR_JAVA_BROWSER is not displayed I have tried first a simple HTML file for ERR_JAVA_BROWSER then an Applet displaying a message. Both don't work. Thank's for help. # cat ERR_JAVA_BROWSER <html> <head> <title> Java FTP </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <h1>Java Check</h1> <object type="application/x-java-applet" title="Java Check" code="JavaBrowser.class" hspace="20" vspace="5" width="400" height="80" border="2" standby="Chargement applet Java Check ..." > </object> Your web browser use a vunerable Java 7 release. Please update to update 11. </body> </html> PS. I known that update 11 is also non secure