On 23/01/2013 9:13 p.m., He, Qingsheng 2 wrote:
Hello Amos,
Thanks for the reply!
The URL is like http://<FQND>/folder1/folder2/..../xxx.zip
If I use the ICP query by the per script it returned below:
UDP_HIT http://<FQND>/folder1/folder2/..../xxx.zip
But if I use below squidclient to request:
Squidclient -h localhost -p 80 -t 1 $URL
It return:
HTTP/1.0 405 Method Not Allowed
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 08:09:09 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Aha! the Vary header.
ICP operates with *only* the URL when deciding HIT/MISS. The Vary header
means that there could be any one of multiple different objects stored
for the one URL - this is a common cause of ICP producing false results.
Only a lookup request with full HTTP request headers will be able to
determine accurately whether the HTTP fetch will be a HIT or MISS. In
your case it is a MISS with different Accept-Encoding headers from the
original client and the squidclient tool (or two different clients).
So .... I suggest moving to the HTCP protocol which is an upgrade from
ICP that can handle HTTP/1.1 header features like Vary.
Lookup htcp_port, htcp_access and cache_peer htcp= options.