On 15/01/2013 7:03 p.m., Tom Tom wrote:
Using Squid 3.2.6 with 4 workers:
I configured 'cache_mem 10240 MB'. Squidclient shows the output below:
$ squidclient mgr:config | grep cache_mem
cache_mem -2147483648 bytes
When I confiure 'cache_mem 20480 MB', then squidclient show this:
$ squidclient mgr:config | grep cache_mem
cache_mem 0 bytes
Does squid use cache_mem (so the output of squidclient is just wrong)
or does squid therefore does not use cache_mem?
Display bug in the config dumper caused by 32-bit wrap in the byte value.
It is only a big problem if you are re-loading the config dumped into a
Squid somewhere.