Hi, I have a question concerning delay pools and upload bandwidth control. I know in the past with squid 2.x and earlier 3.x versions, it was not possible to restrict upload bandwidth (squid requests to web servers) using delay pools. However, now there is a feature that is new to me, client delay pools, which appears to insert bandwidth buckets between a client and squid. Can someone please explain the difference between the old delay pools feature and the newer client delay pools directive? As I understand, the old delay pools affects traffic between a remote webserver and squid, and the new client delay pools affects traffic between squid and the client. I am curious what the different primary use cases are between the two. And finally, is there now a way to limit upload rate using squid, where upload is from the perspective of the client (e.g., end-user uploading a file to a webserver)? Thanks much. -Nick