On 18/11/2012 1:41 a.m., dor eiram wrote:
I have tried this several ways but the user never sees the error page
when the limits are reached.. they just cannot browse anymore.. any
help would be appreciated
deny_info operates when access is denied... thus its name. Delay pools
does not particularly deny anything, it just *delays* traffic I/O to
maintain a certain speed profile.
You need something like "http_access deny testuser".
For presenting it on some dynamic criteria like bandwidth exceeded we
generally use a external_acl_type helper to calculate the timing and
present an ERR response. With squid.conf containing something like this:
external_acl_type foo ...
acl testuser external foo
http_access deny !testuser
deny_info ... testuser
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 9:58 PM, dor eiram <doreiarm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
how does one get deny_info error messages to work with delay pools so you
can message the user that they have reached their bandwidth limits. i have
tried the config below which stops the user from browsinng once the limit is
reached but never triggers the error message
acl testuser proxy_auth test
deny_info ERR_NO_BW testuser
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 1
#256 Kbit/s fill rate, 1024 Kbit/s reserve
delay_parameters 1 32000/128000
delay_access 1 allow testuser
delay_access 1 deny all