On 13/10/2012 9:35 p.m., David Touzeau wrote:
As i understand, TTL in external_acl_type force Squid to cache a
positive answer from the external process.
In my case it seems that the TTL is not used and squid query the
helper on each request.
Did i miss something ?
Each unique expansion of your "%SRC %SRCEUI48 %>{X-Forwarded-For} %URI"
format requires a new lookup. TTL only aplies if there are 2+ identical
expansions occuring within the TTL period.
You also may have hit a bug where cache=0 is being set for some reason.
The default should be 256K entries
external_acl_type SplashScreenAuthDef ttl=120 negative_ttl=0
children-startup=5 children-idle=5 ipv4 %SRC %SRCEUI48
%>{X-Forwarded-For} %URI
/usr/share/artica-postfix/external_acl_squid.php --splash
acl SplashScreenAuthAcl external SplashScreenAuthDef
acl SplashPage dst
deny_info SplashScreenAuthAcl
http_access deny !SplashPage !SplashScreenAuthAcl
Best regards.