On 12.09.2012 00:52, Landucci L. wrote:
I'm trying to understood how delay_parameters works ... I try lot of
examples and i really dot not see how does it work.
Does someone can tell me why with this delay_parameters i'm
dowloading at 29 ko/sec (237 kilobits /sec). ?
How many servers are being contacted for that request? count both web
servers and all used ICAP services in this total.
How many requests is that client performing in parallel when you
checked the measurement?
All of the above need to share the 40kB/sec allocated to each client.
Also note that Squid is only placing a *cap* on the server-facing
traffic, there is no guarantee that it will reach that maximum speed at
any point. Particularly if the server is very slow due to other causes,
or if bandwidth is being consumed by relaying data out through an ICAP
service as well as being downloaded from a upstream server.
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 40000/60000
Nb : this pool is a class 2 one.
Thanks a lot.