On 8/27/2012 11:23 PM, Rafael Gomes wrote:
acl rafael external check_user rafael.gomes
http_access deny rafael
you must understand that the check is yes\no match.
it will request usename for:
http_access deny rafael
so if you have wrong username squid will move on to the next acl since
the username is not a match to "rafael" acl.
you should test it in another ways such as:
http_access allow rafael
http_access deny all
to make sure first you are getting the username and password + ldap
connection properly.
this will deny all access unless the user is correct.
If you have more info on the environment and your goal we can be a help
for you.
but with so small info this is what I can help you with.
Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer <at> ngtech.co.il