squid 3.1.20
i am not sure about it but when squid passes requests to icap it sends
the requests.. encapsulated in icap format.
if squid gets a connect request the request represented as "CONNECT
domain.com:443 something"
if it's a GET|POST|PUT the request declared as "GET http://url/uri HTTP/1.1"
but when i get a request that came from another proxy and was
intercepted... i am getting:
"http://proxy-ip:port/ http://url/uri HTTP/1.1"
when it suppose to be:
"GET http://url/uri HTTP/1.1"
so my topology is:
squid 3.1.10 --> gw+squid3.1.20+icap-->internet.
on the squid 3.1.10 i am runing the command:
curl -X http://www.domain.com/
and the squid 3.1.20 send ICAP encapsulated request as http://url/uri HTTP/1.1"
i hope something can be done about it.
Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer <at> ngtech.co.il