On 7/07/2012 2:42 a.m., Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
On 7/6/2012 5:16 AM, Ezequiel Birman wrote:
"Eliezer" == Eliezer Croitoru writes:
> On 7/5/2012 4:48 AM, Ezequiel Birman wrote:
> dont worry! i dont know anyone that masters linux and got it all
> from books he didnt bout :)
XD I meant, of course, the two squid books, Begginer's Guide and
advanced. Anyway, if i get this right maybe I'll write a tutorial
it's nice to read these books but most of what you need to know is
just out there waiting for you to read.
Pretty much. The squid wiki is a digital conversion of the definitive
guide which has been kept more up to date (but not yet perfect, help
wanted). The beginners guide is a compilation built on the wiki and
other tutorials.
#i use conntrack to flush the old sessions so all the new ones will be
redirected to squid.
conntrack -F
This need to be noted as quite dangerous. It will force all existing
connections into the NEW state and pass them through Squid
*immediately*. Which will result in Squid rejecting all the invalid
half-completed HTTP transactions.
New connections will go through TPROXY and get conntrack records
associated with it anyway, without need of a flush.
Idle HTTP connections are the exception here. The next packet Squid
sees is valid HTTP so they are not rejected.
#i have used a router so i needed to flush the routes cache
ip -s route flush cache