Linda W wrote:
forgot to include version -- but I betchya that those who know why this
occurs know that it's special to 3.2 series related to sharing memory, but
I could be wrong...
In analyzing the data in my cache, a few years ago admittedly (would be
larger now), I came up with 38KB being my average object size and thus
set that in
my squid.conf, and have my maximum_object_size = 1024MB (1G).
Why am I seeing messages that my **MAX** object size = 32K?? -- which is
not only VERY wrong compared to maximum object size, but also isn't even
as large as the average object size (a recent, thorough example showed my
average object sizes were now in the 40K region.
So why would I see messages about 32K page size not being
big enough for my max or average document?