On 11/06/2012 8:11 p.m., James Harper wrote:
I'm having some problems with reverse proxy and NTLM authentication. Specifically, the connection to the client is not persisted which I believe invalidates the NTLM authentication protocol. I've added a source port number to the logs which shows that it is indeed creating a new connection for each request. There seems to have been a bit of mailing list activity about similar problems but nothing exactly the same and none of the suggested solutions work. My config (hostnames and IP's removed) is this: https_port IPADDRESS:443 accel cert=/etc/squid3/apps.<snip>.com.au.pem defaultsite=apps.<snip>.com.au connection-auth=on cache_peer<snip>com1.<snip>.local parent 443 0 proxy-only no-query no-digest originserver login=PROXYPASS name=<snip>com1 ssl sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER cache_peer<snip>web1.<snip>.local parent 80 0 proxy-only no-query no-digest front-end-https=on connection-auth=on originserver login=PROXYPASS name=<snip>web1 cache_peer<snip>svr6.<snip>.local parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver login=PROXYPASS name=<snip>svr6
Try it with "login=PASS" instead of "login=PROXYPASS". see http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/Reverse/ExchangeRpc Amos