On 01/06/2012 01:23, Will wrote:
I'm setting up a squid 3.1 reverse proxy server (accelerator) for my
website on Google AppEngine. The squid.conf looks like this,
http_port 80 accel defaultsite=my.public.domain.name ignore-cc
cache_peer mysite.appspot.com parent 80 0 no-query originserver
login=PASS name=gaeAccel
acl gae dstdomain my.public.domain.name
http_access allow gae
http_access deny all
cache_peer_access gaeAccel allow gae
cache_peer_access gaeAccel deny all
Squid redirects me to the Google's search home page.
As soon as I changed mysite.appspot.com in cache_peer to anything
else, such as www.yahoo.com, it worked. I've tried substituting
mysite.appspot.com with different sites on Google AppEngine, all got
redirected to Google's search page.
Any idea?
It's on Ubuntu Server 12.04, Squid 3.1.
Thanks in advance,
hey will
i dont know exactly how the appspot works but it seems that google uses
virtual domains on the same ip and response only to requests of domains
that are hosted on appspot.
what you are doing with a cache_peer is throwing the requested domain to
the ip of the cache_peer.
so the request that google server "mysite.appspot.com" gets is a request
for "my.public.domain.name" and since google is not hosting it the basic
rule is to redirect into google.com
to make it work change the http_port the option to
"defaultsite=mysite.appspot.com" and add "no-vhost"
on the http_access i'm not sure but i think you should add also the
"mysite.appspot.com" domain to the allowed such as:
acl gae dstdomain my.public.domain.name mysite.appspot.com
it works like a charm!
Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer <at> ngtech.co.il