On 12/05/2012 7:02 a.m., Ruiyuan Jiang wrote:
Hi, I am trying to start my squid reverse proxy server (v3.1.19, Solaris 10, SPARC). The configuration that I created is that I followed the Examples on the web site: Examples -> Reverse Proxy (Acceleration) -> ConfigExamples/Reverse/ExchangeRpc". When I tried to start squid daemon, I got an error message in the log: May 11 14:35:53 socksnj squid[23739]: [ID 702911 user.alert] Cannot open HTTP Port May 11 14:35:56 socksnj squid[23743]: [ID 702911 user.alert] Cannot open HTTP Port May 11 14:35:59 socksnj squid[23746]: [ID 702911 user.alert] Cannot open HTTP Port May 11 14:36:03 socksnj squid[23750]: [ID 702911 user.alert] Cannot open HTTP Port May 11 14:36:06 socksnj squid[23753]: [ID 702911 user.alert] Cannot open HTTP Port May 11 14:36:06 socksnj squid[23737]: [ID 567784 local4.alert] Exiting due to repeated, frequent failures Below is the content of my squid.conf file: https_port accel cert=/opt/apache2.2.21/conf/ssl.crt/webmail_katespade_com.crt key=/opt/apache2.2.21/conf/ssl.crt/webmail_katespade_com.key cafile=/opt/apache2.2.21/conf/ssl.crt/DigiCertCA.crt defaultsite=webmail.katepsade.com cache_peer parent 443 0 no-query originserver login=PASS ssl sslcert=/opt/squid-3.1.19/etc/webmail_test.crt sslkey=/opt/squid-3.1.19/etc/webmail_test.key name=exchangeServer acl EXCH dstdomain .katespade.com cache_peer_access exchangeServer allow EXCH cache_peer_access exchangeServer deny all never_direct all EXCH http_access allow EXCH http_access deny all miss_access allow EXCH miss_access deny all I don't have http configured and I don't know why squid is complaining for http? Thanks.
Because no HTTP receiving ports could be opened. "HTTPS" is an HTTP port using TLS.
Look earlier in your cache.log for more info about why the https_port could not be opened.
And/or, Run "squid -k check" and/or, configure "debug_options ALL,1" and check again. Amos