I don't know if this is related... I had some problems like this one, using filezilla, but I don't remember which was the log message. I had, from old configuration files, the directive : ftp_passive off and this was the reason. I just commented it out and the proxy works now as a charm. Hugo Deprez wrote:
Hello, I just installed squid3 from wheezy repository : ii squid3 3.1.19-1+b1 Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy) ii squid3-common 3.1.19-1 Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy) - common files I try with FF12 still the same issue : ******* - - [06/May/2012:18:47:17 +0200] "GET ftp://ftp.free.fr/ HTTP/1.0" 504 4118 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0" TCP_MISS:DIRECT I tried with filezilla, I get the following error : ***** - - [06/May/2012:18:44:56 +0200] "CONNECT ftp.free.fr:21 HTTP/1.0" 200 266 "-" "FileZilla" TCP_MISS:DIRECT ***** - - [06/May/2012:18:44:57 +0200] "CONNECT HTTP/1.0" 403 3561 "-" "FileZilla" TCP_DENIED:NONE seems that the client is using passive mode, as it try to connect to the FTP server to the port 6846. How to deal with that ? What is the difference between firefox and filezilla from FTP's protocol point of view ? Thanks !
-- Envoyé de ma machine à écrire.