On 3/05/2012 10:02 p.m., Markus Lauterbach wrote:
On 5/3/2012 4:33 PM, Markus Lauterbach wrote:
Hi there,
I installed two squids in front of my wordpress installation (based on
apache). Up to now, I can browse my wordpress but I still see many
misses in the squid logs. Wordpress itself likes to use many cookies
and I expect that this is a corrupting influence. By searching via
google, I found examples, where people use a squid infornt of there
wordpress installation. Somehow it seems to work. And I found several
howtos to Setup Varnish in front of wordpress, where the cookie is
Does anyone know a hint for me, what I should take a look to. It is posible, to manage the caching behavoir with my squid.conf, or do all the information (weather to cache the element or not) has to be set in the header by the application (wordpress). I already tried to set the vary header for cookies, but this doesnt leed to a useable configuration. Now, I would unlikely change from squid to varnish.
Thanks in advance
I'm not using Apache but Nginx with Wordpress, and I've installed W3 Total Cache plugin for WP. Seems that plugin help much, you should try it yourself.
Sorry. I'm using the multi-DB plugin. Multi-DB and W3 Total Cache are not compatible. (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-w3-total-cache-wpmu-compatibility?replies=10#post-1498249)
Most of what the Total-Cache plugin does is setting up proper
cacheability settings on WP outputs. Without it whatever cache you use
will likely not gain you much either way.
Squid, Varnish, Nginx, Apache cache, Browser cache, whatever - can only
work with what they get given.
Back on the cookies issue ... Squid will cache objects regardless of
cookies. Only stripping the cookies on HIT responses as it is supposed
to. The apps I've seen which have cookie issues through Squid are
relying them either for state maintenance with assumptions going against
the GET/POST sementics , or trying to add >64KB of cookies to one message.