On 13/04/2012 10:50 p.m., Ahmed Talha Khan wrote:
Hey Amos, I made headway with the the problem :).. I think the looping is happening because squid is proxying the https port traffic onto http port on the way out. clientt----https=443---------->squid---------http=80----->origin server I can see the external connection being setup-ed on port 80 whereas it should have been on port 443. That is why the server keeps sending me back the same url to re-direct to.. This is my theory...What do you think about it? Also how i can make squid to output the original port 443 traffic on port 443 when connecting to the external servers...i could see something you mentioned to another guy here http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/squid-3-1-endless-loop-IIS-webserver-td4465329.html This example was a reverse proxy example and might not work for me...Any suggestions? I think we are about to crack it !!:)
The problem there seemed to be caused by the cache_peer being a plain-HTTP link.
Your seems to be more a matter of the URL interpretation not being quite right. "vport=443" and/or "protocol=https" might work.