(re-send, sent off-list as a mistake)
On 04/01/2012 03:21 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
revalidation is more of a threshold which gets set on each object. Under
the threshold no valdation takes place, above it every request gets
validated. BUT ... a 304 response revalutating the object can change the
threshold by sending new timestamp and caching headers.
Thank you I now managed to do exactly what I need...
I still have 2 little issues but I'll open another thread for those :)
you've been very helpful
You have the two options of max-age or Expires. The thing to remember is
to increment the value / threshold forward to the next poitn where you
want revalidation to take place.
with a max-age N value which you generate dynamically by: calculate
current age of object when responding, add 60.
with Expires: you simply emit a timestamp of now() + 60 seconds on each
yes I experimented.. I think 60 seconds is perfect for max-age and I get
rid of Expires time, it's overridden by the max-age anyway.
I also set up Vary and Last-Modified headers.
And added age (always 0) and Date (always "now") on my server response.
Squid3 is now caching perfectly my RESTfull service (GET)
Other useful things to know;
Generating an ETag label for each unique output helps caches detect
unique versions without timestamp calculations. The easy ways to do this
are to make ETag a MD5 hash of the body object. Or a hash of the
Last-Modified timestamp string if the body is too expensive to locate
MD5 for. Or some other property of the resource which is guaranteed to
change any time the body changes and not otherwise.
Yeah, that's would be the next step, but it's a little complicated for
me to extract something that makes sense as an ETag, when I'll be able I
Cache-Control:stale-while-revalidate tells caches to revalidate, but not
to block the client response waiting for that validation to finish.
Clients will get the old object until a new one or 304 is received back.
that's really interesting but I didn't find anything about it here:
is it standard?
do you, by any chance, know how to tell the cache to return a stale
value if the server is not responsive and while waiting it comes back
this would be wonderful because it would allow me to take down the
server for maintenance without having a service interruption.
2) which is the best way to debug why squid3 is deciding to keep a
cache entry, contact the server or not? looking at the huge debug log
is not very simple maybe some log option to filter it with the cache
decisions informations only would help
debug_options 22,3
... or maybe 22,5 if there is not enough at level 3.
where can I find a list of sections id and their meaning?