I know this is just my opinion, but, if it was me
I would use a dedicated hardware device as the vpn/ppp client
and just pipe that out to a switch to make things less complicated
Like you could use a DDWRT enabled router, or Many other platforms to do
this dirtywork for you.
That way your work on the squid side would be a heck of a lot easier.
But then again, thats just me.
On 03/19/2012 07:53 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
On 20.03.2012 15:30, zozo zozo wrote:
Hi all
I've setup squid and it works if I forward network from eth0 to wlan0
(ap mode)
But if instead of ethernet I try to use ppp0 packets, squid doesn't
forward stuff, and in access log entries were something like 0_ABORTED
(don't have those logs at hand, will provide more info tomorrow)
Ports that are not sent to squid work fine, ICMP and HTTPS are
forwarded correctly.
ppp0 is interface created by wvdial (I share 3G modem internet)
syslog doesn't show anything interesting
Is there anything special to know about ppp and squid?
Just that squid does not interact with NIC directly.
Squid sends packets with a source IP address (set by either
tcp_outgoing_address or system-selected default IP). What happens to
those packets is up to the OS routing.