Hi, Im trying to setup Chrome webbrowser with Squid as secure proxy using client certificate. I've been reading through these howto's and configuration parameters, but im still failing. The proxy itself is answering and my browser is using HTTPS between myself and Squid to reach normal HTTP pages - which is fine. The problem is that is lets me through even if I delete my client certificate on my browser... So basically, it dont care if I have a cert or not. Can someone please describe how I can resolve this with configuration help or equiv. ? http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/secure-web-proxy http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/https_port/ Thanks! Daniel Lilienberg Infrastructure Architect Connected Car Information Technology Volvo Car Corporation PVE SE-405 31 Goteborg Sweden Telephone +46-31-354 23 17 Mobile/SMS +46-707-937403 dlilien2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx www.volvocars.com www.volvooceanrace.org