Hello, Does Squid 2.7 STABLE9 work well if we moved to another Server that has XEON Core-6 processor with 6 x 15k SCSI Hard Drives and each HDD could carry 100 GB of Squid cache Objects? I am willing to add more SCSI HDDs like 12 or more just to get more cache data as for now we the current installation Squid 2.7 STABLE9 on Core 2 Duo with 3 x SATA HDD and we are almost filling all folders and HDDs storage . My main idea is to add more fast Hard drivers allowing me to add more folders splitted on all 6 hard drives so what do you think and what is your recommendation on such setup . BTW , we are caching CDN Contents and each month we try to update our script so we can match the most contents to get a high ratio cache . Ghassan