On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 12:26:11PM +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote: > - Proper HTTP *redirect* using 3xx status messages should work fine. > But Squid needs to be configured to handle both the before and after > URL when received from the client. Exchange only needs to handle the > "after" URI. > > > To simply do a global / to /owa/ *redirect* you can do this very > simple: > > acl redirectOWA urlpath_regex ^/$ > deny_info 303:https://EXCHANGE_SERVER/owa/ redirectOWA > http_access deny HTTPS OWA redirectOWA > > Place this at the top of the reverse-proxy http_access lines and the > clients will be redirected to load that given URL before they are > sent anywhere near Exchange. > > NOTE: The domain "EXCHANGE_SERVER" needs to point at your Squid > https_port address if you want the OWA requests to continue to > operate through Squid. BUT, I think you are actually wanting to > redirect with: > > deny_info 303:https://webmail.domain.foo/owa/ redirectOWA > > > HTH > Amos > I have this error on my access.log 1329819182.985 0 CLIENT_IP TCP_DENIED/302 340 GET https://webmail.domain.foo/ - NONE/- text/html 1329819183.011 0 CLIENT_IP TCP_MISS/404 1530 GET https://webmail.domain.foo/302:https://EXCHANGE_IP/owa/ - FIRST_UP_PARENT/exchangeServer text/html 1329819183.043 0 CLIENT_IP TCP_MISS/404 1530 GET https://webmail.domain.foo/favicon.ico - FIRST_UP_PARENT/exchangeServer text/html for these lines acl redirectOWA urlpath_regex ^/$ deny_info 303:https://webmail.lexsi.lan/owa/ redirectOWA http_access deny HTTPSOWA redirectOWA replace 303 by 302 give the same error bad configuration ?