Hi Folks I am trying to det up a reverse proxy for a numbner of systems, but appear to fail to define the cache peer correctly. The reverse proxy settings #################################################################################### # squid reverse proxy settings for ssl acceleration # content shamelessly adapted from # http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/Reverse/SslWithWildcardCertifiate # Copyleft 2012 erich.titl@xxxxxxxx #################################################################################### https_port 443 cert=/etc/squid3/gever.crt key=/etc/squid3/gever.key accel protocol=http # peer pfaeffikon cache_peer pfaeffikon.gever.asp.ruf.ch parent 8083 0 no-query originserver name=pfaeffikon-ssl cache_peer_domain pfaeffikon-ssl m278.asp.ruf.ch acl sites_server_104 dstdomain m278.asp.ruf.ch cache_peer_access pfaeffikon-ssl allow sites_server_104 http_access allow sites_server_104 #################################################################################### Here is an excerpt of the cache.log file 2012/02/17 14:47:07 kid1| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at local=[::]:8080 remote=[::] FD 15 flags=9 2012/02/17 14:47:07 kid1| Accepting reverse-proxy HTTPS Socket connections at local=[::]:443 remote=[::] FD 16 flags=9 2012/02/17 14:47:07 kid1| Configuring Parent pfaeffikon.gever.asp.ruf.ch/8083/0 2012/02/17 14:47:07 kid1| Configuring Parent To me it looks like the cache peer is not accessed correcly. The goal is to terminate https requests on the proxy and forwarding the requests for pfaeffikon.gever.asp.ruf.ch to a peer called m278.asp.ruf.ch on port 8083 I see the requests arriving at the squid host, but it appears that it does not use the host specified in the peer parameters but uses the name of the original request host. Thanks Erich
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