Hallo, squid-users, my self made squid sometimes produces messages like Jan 30 08:56:58 Arktur squid[4263]: Failed to select source for 'http:// ivwbox.de/' Jan 30 08:56:58 Arktur squid[4263]: always_direct = 0 Jan 30 08:56:58 Arktur squid[4263]: never_direct = 0 Jan 30 08:56:58 Arktur squid[4263]: timedout = 0 I've searched Google for this messages; seems to be another kind of error(?). Especially: http://wiki.squid-cache.org/KnowledgeBase/FailedToSelectSource and https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=186561 tell nothing about "all ... = 0". pgrep -l squid shows that squid is running, the log files also show that squid runs and works hard. Where's the problem? Is that message an information, a warning or an error message? Viele Gruesse! Helmut