---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Chaitanya Shastri <chait.shastri@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 12:06:53 +0530 Subject: Cannot redirect to a new page To: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hi all, We have squid 2.6 working with wrapzap as a redirector. All is working fine except that we cannot redirect to a new page that contains a URL of the form:* www.abc.com/redirect?url=....* The following error occurs while accessing such page: * ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.abc.com/redirect? The following error was encountered: Access Denied. Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect. Your cache administrator is webmaster@xxxxxxx* I don't understand if this is a redirector issue or something else. Any URL that contains a "?" cannot be accessed and the same error occurs every time. Could anybody tell me where am I doing wrong? Thanks.