Squid snapshot
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at
local= remote=[::] FD 9 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at
local= remote=[::] FD 11 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at
local= remote=[::] FD 17 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at
local= remote=[::] FD 19 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at
local= remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at
local= remote=[::] FD 25 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at
local= remote=[::] FD 27 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at
local= remote=[::] FD 29 flags=1
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Accepting HTCP messages on
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| Sending HTCP messages from
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| urlParse: URL too large (52427 bytes)
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| WARNING: Closing open FD 9
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| 65536 entries written so far.
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| 131072 entries written so far.
2012/01/06 11:29:46 kid7| 196608 entries written so far.
Time for another Macmillan Cancer Support event. This time its the 12
day Escape to Africa challenge
View route at http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=203779866436035016780.00049e867720273b73c39&z=8
Please sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/Alex-Sharaz