On Tue, 13 Dec 2011 14:12:48 +0100 (CET), FredB wrote:
I wish to limit the bandwidth like this
1) Limit 64000 by user for objects more big than 30 ko
2) Limit global bandwidth to 1625000 - 13MB -
I tried this configuration
acl myusers src
acl proto-pool port 80 81 21
delay_pools 2
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 64000/30000
delay_class 2 1
delay_parameters 2 1625000/1625000
delay_access 1 deny CONNECT
delay_access 1 allow myusers
delay_access 1 deny all
delay_access 2 allow proto-pool
delay_access 2 deny all
Class: 2
Max: 30000
--> maximum number of bytes which may be fetched by a client in one
Restore: 64000
--> maximum number of bytes added back into the "Max" buffer every
second. Separate from how many bytes have been removed from the buffer
during that second.
Current: 52:30000 146:30000 168:30000 196:21312 172:30000 113:24270
86:30000 104:30000 120:30000 23:30000 157:30000 213:30000 77:30000
60:30000 124:30000 8:30000 21:-44294 80:30000 15:30000 20:30000
17:30000 3:30000 198:30000 30:25129 59:7438 32:30000 101:30000
--> the list of currently active clients and how much free space their
pool buffers have.
Some such as client #52, have not used any traffic and have a full
30000 bytes available.
Some such as #59 have used some of the permitted amount but not all,
and so have a under-30000 value. (7438 bytes available)
Some such as #21, have somehow used more traffic than was in the
buffer to begin with and have a negative value available. They will not
be able to read anything until the 64K refill has raised their values
back to positive again.
(I _think_ this is related to uploads which may be wrongly accounted
against the client traffic, but not delayed. However, there is an open
bug about this negative value which still needs a deep investigation to
figure out the details and fix.)
Memory Used: 80928 bytes
First problem, as you can see class 2 doesn't works - Aggregate
Disabled -
"Disabled" meaning no limit. AKA "-1/-1". Which is what you configured.
The per-machine limit is set to 30000 *bytes* in any given second.
Filling a bucket of 30KB with 64KB data will overflow and end up with
only the smaller bucket amount available.
For an example; if you poured a whole jug full of water into a small
cup. Most of it spills out and the small cup amount is all you get left
with to drink.
And second problem
When I tried with only class 2 -> no problem
when I tried with only class 1 -> Surf is very very slow, even with a
light page like google
Have you any ideas ?
The pool "2" (class 1) you configured is set to share a small 1.6MB/sec
of traffic between all machines tagged with that pool. The ACL for that
pool includes destination port 80 which just happens to be the port
which web servers use. Now how many machines are there active in any
given second?
If you configured the 30KB/sec pool as a class 1, that would be even
worse than 1.6MB/sec as a class 1.
A class 2 pool with aggregate disabled appears to me to be the correct
configuration for what you are aiming at. You just have to sort out what
the correct limit settings need to be and which clients are pooled by
the ACLs.