Dear all, We have a Cisco ASA firewall between our internal network and the Internet. Our Squid transparent proxy (v3.1.7) is just behind the firewall. Our problem concerns IP address translation from private to public. Specifically, we would like that clients go out on the Web with a public IP address which depends on the subnet the client is in. However, we can't differentiate the addresses as the Cisco ASA sees only the IP private address of the Squid as originator of all HTTP requests. I haven't set the directive forwarded_for in my Squid config, which should mean that, by default, the real originator is passed in a X-Forwarded-For header. I'd like to know if there is something else that can be done on the Squid side, or if now I need to work solely on the config of the Cisco ASA (as I believe). Thanks for your time and your answers, L.