Hello, I am looking for information might help me with your experience! I have compiled Squid 2.7Stable9 on Windows using MinGW and Cygwin but the thing I have already tried to avoid the file descriptors limitation but with no luck anyway . The problem is MinGW is linking with msvcrt.dll on Windows and I am being forced to get max fd as 2048 on Windows .. so Is there anyway I can compile Squid Under something to override FD definitions! . I spent few days searching for the source code of msvcrt.dll so I can edit the max 2048 but still no luck . Does anyone know who can direct me to someone who might get the source code of msvcrt.dll and that would be the best idea to improve performance on Windows or else I need to work on changing the Squid Windows I/O . Something like replacing the use of the POSIX I/O interfaces in mysys on Windows with the Win32 API calls (CreateFile, WriteFile, etc). All that I know , the Windows API does not support opening files in append mode in all cases. My Question is .. Where should I start to find the functions related to File Descriptors in your Squid Source Code and which Files are responsible in your source code that are supposed to handle the FD ? Im willing to start this project with my friends but need more information to go for it. Thank you Ghassan.