Two quick questions: I have big latency on the Squid box. It takes about 5 seconds from the time I enter URL address until the page loads. When the page loads it loads very quickly. DNS queries to WAN are <2ms, average ISP tracert and ping latencies are around 20ms. Tracert and ping from LAN to the proxy are <1ms. Is there something in the Squid (an option, log, or util) that would help me figure this out? This is less important but I see lots these messages in the log. Is this something I should be concerned about? 1318650368.497 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650374.794 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650381.041 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650387.434 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650393.880 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650400.340 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650406.872 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650418.189 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650424.487 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650430.685 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650436.982 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html 1318650443.326 0 IP-address-removed NONE/400 3371 +?AO tqyU - NONE/- text/html Squid Cache: Version 3.1.6 Debian 6.1 Linux 2.6.32-5-686-bigmem 250GB SATA, 8GB memory, 3GHz dual-core