I have a blacklist of about 1 million domains when I reload squid I get about, a million of these error messages. Should I do something to correct this error message? because squid seems to be functioning just fine otherwise, it is indeed blocking the sites as I have configured it to do. 2011/10/12 23:05:09| WARNING: You should probably remove 'www.4girlsfingerpaint.org' from the ACL named 'blacklist' 2011/10/12 23:05:09| WARNING: 'www.donotwatch.org' is a subdomain of 'www.donotwatch.org' 2011/10/12 23:05:09| WARNING: because of this 'www.donotwatch.org' is ignored to keep splay tree searching predictable 2011/10/12 23:05:09| WARNING: You should probably remove 'www.donotwatch.org' from the ACL named 'blacklist' . - http://www.haxradio.com hit me up on irc.haxradio.com 6667 or ssl=6697 #alliance