I disabled squid and I'm doing simple FORWARDING and things work, this
tells me that I'm having a configuration issue with squid 3.1.14.
Now, I can't afford to run our network without squid since we are also
running SquidGuard for disabling some websites to certain users.
Here's part of my squid.conf:
# Port Squid listens on
http_port intercept disable-pmtu-discovery=off
error_default_language es-do
# Access-lists (ACLs) will permit or deny hosts to access the proxy
acl lan-access src
acl localhost src
acl localnet src
acl proxy src
acl clientes_registrados src "/etc/msd/ipAllowed"
# acl adstoblock dstdomain "/etc/squid/blockAds"
#---- Do not cache these
# acl special_domains dstdomain .facebook.com .fbcdn.net .verisign.com
# cache deny special_domains
http_access allow proxy
http_access allow localhost
#---- Block some sites
acl blockanalysis01 dstdomain .scorecardresearch.com clkads.com
acl blockads01 dstdomain .rad.msn.com ads1.msn.com ads2.msn.com
ads3.msn.com ads4.msn.com
acl blockads02 dstdomain .adserver.yahoo.com ad.yieldmanager.com
acl blockads03 dstdomain .doubleclick.net .fastclick.net
acl blockads04 dstdomain .ero-advertising.com .adsomega.com
acl blockads05 dstdomain .adyieldmanager.com .yieldmanager.com
.adyieldmanager.net .yieldmanager.net
acl blockads06 dstdomain .e-planning.net .super-publicidad.com
acl blockads07 dstdomain .adbrite.com .contextweb.com
.adbasket.net .clicktale.net
acl blockads08 dstdomain .adserver.com .adv-adserver.com
.zerobypass.info .zerobypass.com
acl blockads09 dstdomain .ads.ak.facebook.com .pubmatic.com
.baynote.net .publicbt.com
http_access deny blockanalysis01
http_access deny blockads01
http_access deny blockads02
http_access deny blockads03
http_access deny blockads04
http_access deny blockads05
http_access deny blockads06
http_access deny blockads07
http_access deny blockads08
http_access deny blockads09
# http_access deny adstoblock
acl bank dstdomain .popularenlinea.com .bpd.com.do
acl google dstdomain .google.com .google.com.do
acl ourPublicServer dstdomain .figureo56.com
http_access allow bank
http_access allow google
http_access allow ourPublicServer
#acl block url_regex "/etc/squid/sitesblocked"
#http_access deny block
#---- End block sites
# Access rule
#http_access allow clientes_registrados
acl manager proto cache_object
# replace with your webserver IP
acl webserver src
http_access allow manager webserver
http_access deny manager
########################## Delay pools ####################
# Replace the network below with your own
# Define 1 delay pool, class 2
#delay_pools 1
#delay_class 1 3
# Manage traffic from our network with the delay pool
#delay_access 1 allow clientes_registrados
#delay_access 1 deny all
# Values are in bytes, to get kbps multiply by 8
#delay_parameters 1 1250000/1250000 1000000/1000000 64000/64000
# Block Malware Section
# File which contains the list
# acl malware_block_list url_regex -i "/etc/squid/malware_block_list.txt"
# Access Denied
# http_access deny malware_block_list
# Redirect message - (You can make your own)
# deny_info http://malware.hiperlinks.com.br/denied.shtml malware_block_list
# Also videos are LARGE; make sure you aren't killing them as 'too big
to save'
# - squid defaults to 4MB, which is too small for videos and even some
sound files
maximum_object_size 32500 KB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 15625 KB
minimum_object_size 0 KB
cache_mem 1024 MB
access_log /var2/squid/access.log
cache_log /var2/squid/cache.log
cache_store_log /var2/squid/store.log
cache_dir aufs /var2/squid/cache 100000 64 255
htcp_port 0
icp_port 0
ignore_unknown_nameservers on
cache_swap_low 97
cache_swap_high 99
max_open_disk_fds 0
# httpd_suppress_version_string
#hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
#acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
#cache deny QUERY
#acl GOOGLEVIDEO urlpath_regex /videoplayback\?id= /get_video\?origin=
#cache deny GOOGLEVIDEO
#acl YOUTUBE urlpath_regex /get_video\?video_id=
#cache deny YOUTUBE
#acl CACHE_HOST_IP dst
#cache deny CACHE_HOST_IP
memory_replacement_policy heap LRU
###### ecap gzip section ######
#ecap_enable on
#ecap_service gzip_service respmod_precache 0 ecap://www.vigos.com/ecap_gzip
#loadable_modules /usr/local/lib/ecap_adapter_gzip.so
#acl GZIP_HTTP_STATUS http_status 200
#adaptation_access gzip_service allow GZIP_HTTP_STATUS
###### Newer VideoCache ######
# --BEGIN-- videocache config for squid
#url_rewrite_program /usr/bin/python /usr/share/videocache/videocache.py
#url_rewrite_program /usr/bin/python2.5 /usr/local/videocache/videocache.py
#url_rewrite_program /usr/local/adzap/scripts/zapchain "/usr/bin/python
/usr/share/videocache/videocache.py" "/usr/bin/php
url_rewrite_program /usr/local/bin/zapchain "/usr/bin/python
/usr/share/videocache/videocache.py" "/usr/local/bin/squidGuard -c
url_rewrite_children 10
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \.youtube\.com\/get_video\?
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \.youtube\.com\/videoplayback
\.youtube\.com\/videoplay \.youtube\.com\/get_video\?
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
\.youtube\.[a-z][a-z]\/videoplayback \.youtube\.[a-z][a-z]\/videoplay
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \.googlevideo\.com\/videoplayback
\.googlevideo\.com\/videoplay \.googlevideo\.com\/get_video\?
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \.google\.com\/videoplayback
\.google\.com\/videoplay \.google\.com\/get_video\?
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
\.google\.[a-z][a-z]\/videoplayback \.google\.[a-z][a-z]\/videoplay
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i vid\.akm\.dailymotion\.com\/
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i bitcast\.vimeo\.com\/vimeo\/videos\/
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \.files\.youporn\.com\/(.*)\/flv\/
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \.msn\.com\.edgesuite\.net\/(.*)\.flv
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \.mais\.uol\.com\.br\/(.*)\.flv
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i video\.break\.com\/(.*)\.(flv|mp4)
acl videocache_allow_dom dstdomain .mccont.com .metacafe.com
.redtube.com .cdn.dailymotion.com
url_rewrite_access allow videocache_allow_url
url_rewrite_access allow videocache_allow_dom
url_rewrite_access allow all
redirector_bypass on
# --END-- videocache config for squid
# --- Windows Update
acl windowsupdate dstdomain windowsupdate.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain .update.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain download.windowsupdate.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain redir.metaservices.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain images.metaservices.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain c.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain www.download.windowsupdate.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain wustat.windows.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain crl.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain sls.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain productactivation.one.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain ntservicepack.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain .go.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain
acl windowsupdate dstdomain .download.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain activex.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain codecs.microsoft.com
acl windowsupdate dstdomain urs.microsoft.com
acl wuCONNECT dstdomain www.update.microsoft.com
acl wuCONNECT dstdomain sls.microsoft.com
http_access allow CONNECT wuCONNECT localnet
http_access allow windowsupdate localnet
# --- Windows update ends -----------------------------
# ------ Test AntiVirus Caching --------------
acl avast_allow_url url_regex -i \.vpu
acl avast_allow_url url_regex -i \.vpx
url_rewrite_access allow avast_allow_url
acl avast dstdomain avast.com
http_access allow CONNECT localnet
http_access allow avast localnet
#url_rewrite_children 10
#acl store_rewrite_list url_regex -i "/etc/thundercache/thunder.lst"
#url_rewrite_access allow store_rewrite_list
#url_rewrite_access deny all
#url_rewrite_program /usr/local/thundercache/loader.php
#Redirecionamento Thunder 3.x - REGEx
#acl thunder_lst url_regex -i "/etc/thundercache/thunder.lst"
#cache deny thunder_lst
#cache_peer parent 8000 0 proxy-only no-digest
#dead_peer_timeout 2 seconds
#cache_peer_access allow thunder_lst
#cache_peer_access deny all
# TAG: store_avg_object_size (kbytes)
# Average object size, used to estimate number of objects your
# cache can hold. The default is 13 KB.
# TAG: half_closed_clients
# Some clients may shutdown the sending side of their TCP
# connections, while leaving their receiving sides open. Sometimes,
# Squid can not tell the difference between a half-closed and a
# fully-closed TCP connection. By default, half-closed client
# connections are kept open until a read(2) or write(2) on the
# socket returns an error. Change this option to 'off' and Squid
# will immediately close client connections when read(2) returns
# "no more data to read."
half_closed_clients off
store_dir_select_algorithm least-load
#extension_methods SEARCH NICK
range_offset_limit 0 KB
quick_abort_min 0 KB
#quick_abort_pct 95
#negative_ttl 1 minutes
connect_timeout 60 seconds
logfile_rotate 5
offline_mode off
balance_on_multiple_ip on
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
#Suggested default:
refresh_pattern -i \.jpg$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.gif$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.png$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.gif$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.png$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.jpeg$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.bmp$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.tif$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.tiff$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.swf$ 0 50% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.html$ 0 20% 1440 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.htm$ 0 20% 1440 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.shtml$ 0 20% 1440 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.shtm$ 0 20% 1440 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i \.nub$ 2880 80% 21600 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 8640
refresh_pattern -i exe$ 0 50% 525600
refresh_pattern -i zip$ 0 50% 525600
refresh_pattern -i \.flv$ 10080 90% 525600 ignore-no-cache
override-expire ignore-private
refresh_pattern -i \.swf$ 10080 90% 525600 ignore-no-cache
override-expire ignore-private
read_ahead_gap 32 KB
visible_hostname www.optimumwireless.com
cache_mgr optimumwireless@xxxxxxxxxxx
# TAG: store_dir_select_algorithm
# Set this to 'round-robin' as an alternative.
# store_dir_select_algorithm least-load
store_dir_select_algorithm round-robin
# Also see "pconn_timeout" in the TIMEOUTS section
# TAG: client_persistent_connections
# TAG: server_persistent_connections
# Persistent connection support for clients and servers. By
# default, Squid uses persistent connections (when allowed)
# with its clients and servers. You can use these options to
# disable persistent connections with clients and/or servers.
client_persistent_connections off
server_persistent_connections off
# TAG: persistent_connection_after_error
# With this directive the use of persistent connections after
# HTTP errors can be disabled. Useful if you have clients
# who fail to handle errors on persistent connections proper.
persistent_connection_after_error off
# TAG: detect_broken_pconn
# Some servers have been found to incorrectly signal the use
# of HTTP/1.0 persistent connections even on replies not
# compatible, causing significant delays. This server problem
# has mostly been seen on redirects.
# By enabling this directive Squid attempts to detect such
# broken replies and automatically assume the reply is finished
# after 10 seconds timeout.
detect_broken_pconn off
# TAG: memory_pools on|off
# If set, Squid will keep pools of allocated (but unused) memory
# available for future use. If memory is a premium on your
# system and you believe your malloc library outperforms Squid
# routines, disable this.
memory_pools on
# TAG: memory_pools_limit (bytes)
# Used only with memory_pools on:
# memory_pools_limit 50 MB
# If set to a non-zero value, Squid will keep at most the specified
# limit of allocated (but unused) memory in memory pools. All free()
# requests that exceed this limit will be handled by your malloc
# library. Squid does not pre-allocate any memory, just safe-keeps
# objects that otherwise would be free()d. Thus, it is safe to set
# memory_pools_limit to a reasonably high value even if your
# configuration will use less memory.
# If set to zero, Squid will keep all memory it can. That is, there
# will be no limit on the total amount of memory used for
# To disable memory allocation optimization, do not set
# memory_pools_limit to 0. Set memory_pools to "off" instead.
# An overhead for maintaining memory pools is not taken into account
memory_pools_limit 64 MB
# TAG: refresh_all_ims on|off
# When you enable this option, squid will always check
# the origin server for an update when a client sends an
# If-Modified-Since request. Many browsers use IMS
# requests when the user requests a reload, and this
# ensures those clients receive the latest version.
# By default (off), squid may return a Not Modified response
# based on the age of the cached version.
refresh_all_ims off
# TAG: reload_into_ims on|off
# When you enable this option, client no-cache or ``reload''
# requests will be changed to If-Modified-Since requests.
# Doing this VIOLATES the HTTP standard. Enabling this
reload_into_ims off
# TAG: retry_on_error
# If set to on Squid will automatically retry requests when
# receiving an error response. This is mainly useful if you
# are in a complex cache hierarchy to work around access
# control errors.
retry_on_error on
# TAG: coredump_dir
# By default Squid leaves core files in the directory from where
# it was started. If you set 'coredump_dir' to a directory
# that exists, Squid will chdir() to that directory at startup
# and coredump files will be left there.
# coredump_dir none
# Leave coredumps in the first cache dir
coredump_dir none
# TAG: pipeline_prefetch
# To boost the performance of pipelined requests to closer
# match that of a non-proxied environment Squid can try to fetch
# up to two requests in parallel from a pipeline.
# Defaults to off for bandwidth management and access logging
# reasons.
pipeline_prefetch on
http_access allow clientes_registrados
shutdown_lifetime 45 seconds
http_access deny all
Wilson Hernandez
On 10/8/2011 3:34 PM, Wilson Hernandez wrote:
So far this is what cache.log looks like:
2011/10/08 15:10:14| Starting Squid Cache version 3.1.14 for
2011/10/08 15:10:14| Process ID 1498
2011/10/08 15:10:14| With 65536 file descriptors available
2011/10/08 15:10:14| Initializing IP Cache...
2011/10/08 15:10:14| DNS Socket created at [::], FD 7
2011/10/08 15:10:14| DNS Socket created at, FD 8
2011/10/08 15:10:14| Adding nameserver from squid.conf
2011/10/08 15:10:14| Adding nameserver from squid.conf
2011/10/08 15:10:14| helperOpenServers: Starting 10/10 'zapchain'
2011/10/08 15:10:15| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 33
2011/10/08 15:10:15| Swap maxSize 102400000 + 1048576 KB, estimated
1616384 objects
2011/10/08 15:10:15| Target number of buckets: 80819
2011/10/08 15:10:15| Using 131072 Store buckets
2011/10/08 15:10:15| Max Mem size: 1048576 KB
2011/10/08 15:10:15| Max Swap size: 102400000 KB
2011/10/08 15:10:16| Version 1 of swap file with LFS support detected...
2011/10/08 15:10:16| Rebuilding storage in /var2/squid/cache (DIRTY)
2011/10/08 15:10:16| Using Round Robin store dir selection
2011/10/08 15:10:16| Current Directory is /etc/squid
2011/10/08 15:10:16| Loaded Icons.
2011/10/08 15:10:16| Accepting intercepted HTTP connections at, FD 37.
2011/10/08 15:10:16| HTCP Disabled.
2011/10/08 15:10:16| Squid plugin modules loaded: 0
2011/10/08 15:10:16| Adaptation support is off.
2011/10/08 15:10:16| Ready to serve requests.
2011/10/08 15:10:17| Store rebuilding is 0.01% complete
2011/10/08 15:26:27| Done reading /var2/squid/cache swaplog (32422570
2011/10/08 15:26:27| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2011/10/08 15:26:27| 18466338 Entries scanned
2011/10/08 15:26:27| 0 Invalid entries.
2011/10/08 15:26:27| 0 With invalid flags.
2011/10/08 15:26:27| 4511874 Objects loaded.
2011/10/08 15:26:27| 0 Objects expired.
2011/10/08 15:26:27| 13954464 Objects cancelled.
2011/10/08 15:26:27| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2011/10/08 15:26:27| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2011/10/08 15:26:27| Took 970.78 seconds (4647.68 objects/sec).
2011/10/08 15:26:27| Beginning Validation Procedure
2011/10/08 15:26:29| 524288 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:29| 786432 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:29| 1310720 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:30| 1572864 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:30| 1835008 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:30| 2097152 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:30| 2621440 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:30| 2883584 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:30| 3145728 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:30| 3407872 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:30| 3670016 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:31| 6815744 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:31| 7077888 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:31| 7602176 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:31| 7864320 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:31| 8126464 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:31| 8388608 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:31| 8912896 Entries Validated so far.
2011/10/08 15:26:31| Completed Validation Procedure
2011/10/08 15:26:31| Validated 9023701 Entries
2011/10/08 15:26:31| store_swap_size = 99318180
2011/10/08 15:26:31| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 12: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 14: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 16: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 22: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 24: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 26: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 28: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 35: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 39: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 40: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 41: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 42: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 43: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 44: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 45: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 46: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 48: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 49: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 50: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 51: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 53: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 54: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 55: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 56: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 57: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 59: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 60: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 61: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 63: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 65: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 66: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 67: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 68: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 70: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 72: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 73: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 74: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 75: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 76: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 77: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 79: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 80: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 81: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 82: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 85: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 86: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 91: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 94: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 98: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 99: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 100: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 101: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 102: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 103: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 104: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 105: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 106: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 107: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 109: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 110: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 111: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 112: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 113: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 114: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:31| IpIntercept.cc(137) NetfilterInterception: NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 115: (2) No such file or
2011/10/08 15:26:37| errorpage.cc(288) errorTryLoadText:
'/usr/local/squid/share/errors/eu/ERR_ACCESS_DENIED': (2) No such file
or directory
2011/10/08 15:26:37| WARNING: Error Pages Missing Language: eu
Wilson Hernandez
On 10/8/2011 2:59 PM, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
2011/10/8 Wilson Hernandez<wilson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I've tried not to cache any facebook content like this:
acl special_domains dstdomain .facebook.com .fbcdn.net .verisign.com
cache deny special_domains
But, that is not working either.
Wilson Hernandez
On 10/8/2011 2:40 PM, Wilson Hernandez wrote:
Our LAN users have been experiencing problems accessing facebook.com
through squid... Most of the times is so slow that the page doesn't
responds to anything. Sometimes this error is returned by squid:
Connection reset by peer./
Everything was working fine for a while but, things have been a little
strange in the past week.
I don't know what's going on and can't even troubleshoot it. Is it
happening in our LAN?
Thanks in advanced for your time.
Check the content of cache.log and paste line in access that fails,
this will help than only guessing.