On Tue, 20 Sep 2011 00:25:23 +0300, Ghassan Gharabli wrote:
Hello Amos,
I will try to compile Squid 2.7 Stable9 since it doesnt exist on
Windows .
http://www.acmeconsulting.it/ provide bundles of 2.7.STABLE8. Which is
almost identical to STABLE9. They differ only in STABLE9 supporting an
old OpenSSL version which STABEL8 does not. This does not seem to be
relevant on Windows.
Does Squid 2.7Stable9 Support Etag Caching ?
As far as I know it does.
My Target is to apply Youtube.patch and so many options I have seen
internet but I always wanted to ask you before I do anything . Is it
possible to apply patches like ignore-no-store , store-stale ,
ignore-must-revalidate .
If that would be possible for me then I am going to be happy at least
I can have all configurations in one Squid Instance .
I already thought of installing Squid Version Lusca Head on Windows
but it is so buggy though I really liked the Lusca head .
Lusca is not squid. It is a commercial fork of squid-2.HEAD Adrian
decided to make when the rest of us decided to move all development to
the 3.x series.
What are your suggestion to have all these options in one Squid
Version ?
Not sure what you mean by Youtube.patch. The rest are all existing
features of the Squid-3 series.
If you want them, we need assistance from someone with access and
familiarity coding IPC sockets on Windows. Limited developer time,
access, and experience with the modern Windows features has made
progress in the SMP area slow. Help would be very welcome.