Hi, We are a Public University offering free internet access (both wired/wireless) to students through three Squid Proxy Servers.The number of peak time users even reach more than 3000. To my knowledge these proxies are running without any optimization. Also Proxy users are always complaining about the slow speed of the net. I inherited this setup from my predecessor a week ago,though am a linux administrator am new to the world of Squid Web Proxy. I have the following questions regarding Squid. Is it really necessary to run three proxy servers to support more than 3500 users? Am asking this question because now users have to configure either one of the three proxy addresses in their browsers(a real hassle) if they want to browse. I was hoping if it is just a single proxy we can use the "WPAD" script to auto-detect the proxy address in the browser. If a single server can support more than 3500 users then what kind of specs it should have? (i.e Processor, RAM, HDD Space, RAID level etc) Also I need advice from the Pros who run setups with this much number of users. Advance thanks for your replies.