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Re: Squid->DG->Squid

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Hi Amos

Thanks for the reply again

>> "TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED" not which are showing like:-
>> 1311836509.795    162 localhost TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 553 GET
>> -
>> DIRECT/ -
>> 1311836509.795    163 TCP_MISS/304 691 GET
>> me@MY.LOCAL
>> Which iam assumeing it has had a successfull cache hit from Squid2?
> Looks that way. The particular example was a revalidation request though. If
> they are both logging to the one file first line is squid2, second line
> squid1?

Yes Squid 2 is line 1
>> With you saying Cache MISS is seperate, will using the 2 seperate
>> Squid instances automatically have a better hit rate by the looks
>> already from here?

> Some requests are best served that way rather than going through a
> hierarchy. Such as CONNECT requests which are explicit requests to do that.
>  nonhierarchichal_direct and hierarchy_stoplist control whether these types
> of requests are required to go through the peer (DG) or allowed to go
> direct.

Could you explain a little more in detail what CONNECT request's are actually?
Should I always trust these kind of connections and let them go direct
if the connection has authentication against it with a possible
statement of:-

always_direct allow CONNECT auth

I had a couple of instances yesterday when someone was trying to
access an kind of echosign document which loaded up fine but then just
did not go through, can you tell from the log below what has happened
to the site?

1311862760.709   2021 localhost TCP_MISS/200 8591 CONNECT - DIRECT/ -
1311862760.710   2094 TCP_MISS/000 8630 CONNECT jzs@TG.LOCAL FIRST_UP_PARENT/ -

> http_reply_access is *way* too late to be doing anything like destination
> selection. The request has already left squid via some path and the reply is
> coming back.

Should I then just not use http_reply_access, or if I do need it where
in my config about should I locate this?

>> hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
> any URL with "?" or "cgi-bin" in it will go DIRECT from this Squid.
> Remove "hierarchy_stoplist".
> Add these:
>  nonhierarchical_direct off

Would not having the line of "nonhierarchical_direct off" in my config
yesterday have maybe caused the CONNECT issue I haev listed above or
would this be completly unrelated?



> The effect is a reduction of speed on those requests.
>> Would something along the line of work:-
>> http_reply_access allow localhost
>> http_reply_access deny blockedsites
>> http_reply_access allow all
>> always_direct allow localhost
>> always_direct allow whitelistsites
>> always_direct deny all
>> I would want all traffic to go from Squid1->DG and then all traffic
>> from DG->Squid2 which would then pass all the traffic out direct as
>> expected?
>> What can of config along this line would I need in squid2.conf?

> always_direct forces things to go direct. It does not prevent.
> never_direct along with the hierarchical controls mentioned above is what
> you want to use.
>> so far this is my changed squid1.conf file:-
>> ####### /etc/squid3/squid.conf Configuration File #######
>> ####### cache manager
>> cache_mgr squid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> ####### kerberos authentication
>> auth_param negotiate program /usr/lib/squid3/squid_kerb_auth -d -s
>> HTTP/
>> auth_param negotiate children 10
>> auth_param negotiate keep_alive on
>> ####### provide access via ldap for clients not authenticated via kerberos
>> auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_auth -R \
>>        -b "dc=my,dc=local" \
>>        -D squid@my.local \
>>        -w "password" \
>>        -f sAMAccountName=%s \
>>        -h
>> auth_param basic children 10
>> auth_param basic realm Internet Proxy
>> auth_param basic credentialsttl 1 minute
>> ####### ldap authorizations
>> # restricted proxy access logged
>> external_acl_type internet_users %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_group
>> -R -K \
>>        -b "dc=my,dc=local" \
>>        -D squid@my.local \
>>        -w "password" \
>>        -f "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=%v)(memberof=cn=Internet
>> Users,ou=Internet Groups,dc=my,dc=local))" \
>>        -h
>> # full proxy access no logging
>> external_acl_type internet_users_full_nolog %LOGIN
>> /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_group -R -K \
>>        -b "dc=my,dc=local" \
>>        -D squid@my.local \
>>        -w "password" \
>>        -f "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=%v)(memberof=cn=Internet
>> Users Full NoLog,ou=Internet Groups,dc=my,dc=local))" \
>>        -h
>> # full proxy access logged
>> external_acl_type internet_users_full_log %LOGIN
>> /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_group -R -K \
>>        -b "dc=my,dc=local" \
>>        -D squid@my.local \
>>        -w "password" \
>>        -f "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=%v)(memberof=cn=Internet
>> Users Full Log,ou=Internet Groups,dc=my,dc=local))" \
>>        -h
>> ####### acl for proxy auth and ldap authorizations
>> acl auth proxy_auth REQUIRED
>> # format "acl, aclname, acltype, acltypename, activedirectorygroup"
>> acl RestrictedAccessLog external internet_users Internet\ Users
>> acl FullAccessNoLog external internet_users_full_nolog Internet\
>> Users\ Full\ NoLog
>> acl FullAccessLog external internet_users_full_log Internet\ Users\ Full\
>> Log
>> acl whitelistsites url_regex -i "/etc/squid3/whitelistsites.txt"
>> acl blockedsites url_regex -i "/etc/squid3/blockedsites.txt"
>> ##Public DMZ Filtering, do not need to authenticate create acl type
>> acl DmzPublicWifiSubnet src
>> ####### squid defaults
>> acl manager proto cache_object
>> acl localhost src ::1
>> acl to_localhost dst ::1
>> acl SSL_ports port 443
>> acl Safe_ports port 80-81       # http
>> acl Safe_ports port 21          # ftp
>> acl Safe_ports port 443         # https
>> acl Safe_ports port 70          # gopher
>> acl Safe_ports port 210         # wais
>> acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
>> acl Safe_ports port 280         # http-mgmt
>> acl Safe_ports port 488         # gss-http
>> acl Safe_ports port 591         # filemaker
>> acl Safe_ports port 777         # multiling http
>> acl CONNECT method CONNECT
>> http_access allow manager localhost
>> http_access deny manager
>> http_access deny !Safe_ports
>> http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
>> http_access allow localhost
>> ####### enforce auth: order of rules is important for authorization levels
>> no_cache deny whitelistsites
> Remember "no_cache" == "cache"
> For no caching you want:
>  cache deny all
>> http_access allow whitelistsites
>> ## Allow DMZ Public Wifi Access out without authorisation
>> http_access allow DmzPublicWifiSubnet
>> http_access allow FullAccessNoLog auth
>> http_access allow FullAccessLog auth
>> http_access deny blockedsites
>> http_access allow RestrictedAccessLog auth
>> ####### logging
>> # don't log FullAccessNoLog
>> access_log /var/log/squid3/access-auth.log squid !FullAccessNoLog
>> ####### squid defaults
>> http_access deny all
>> #Log Connecting Client DNS Names instead on IP Names.
>> log_fqdn on
>> http_port 8080
>> ##Push Traffic Through DansGuradian for Content Filtering
>> cache_peer parent 8081 0 no-query proxy-only no-delay
>> no-netdb-exchange no-digest connect-timeout=15 login=PASS
>> cache_peer_Access deny localhost
>> ##Push Public DMZ Wifi Subnet through DG
>> cache_peer_access allow DmzPublicWifiSubnet
>> cache_peer_access allow RestrictedAccessLog
>> cache_peer_access deny all
>> pid_filename /var/run/
>> visible_hostname

> to force everything going to DG to ONLY go that way also add these:
>  never_direct allow DmzPublicWifiSubnet
>  never_direct allow RestrictedAccessLog
>> coredump_dir /var/spool/squid3
>> refresh_pattern ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080
>> refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      1440
>> refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0     0%      0
>> refresh_pattern .               0       20%     4320
>> squid2.conf:-
>> ####### /etc/squid3/squid.conf Configuration File #######
>> ####### cache manager
>> cache_mgr squid@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> ####### kerberos authentication
>> auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_auth -R \
>>        -b "dc=my,dc=local" \
>>        -D squid@my.local \
>>        -w "password" \
>>        -f sAMAccountName=%s \
>>        -h
>> auth_param basic children 10
>> auth_param basic realm Internet Proxy
>> auth_param basic credentialsttl 1 minute
>> ####### ldap authorizations
>> # restricted proxy access logged
>> external_acl_type internet_users %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_group
>> -R -K \
>>        -b "dc=my,dc=local" \
>>        -D squid@my.local \
>>        -w "password" \
>>        -f "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=%v)(memberof=cn=Internet
>> Users,ou=Internet Groups,dc=my,dc=local))" \
>>        -h
>> # full proxy access no logging
>> external_acl_type internet_users_full_nolog %LOGIN
>> /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_group -R -K \
>>        -b "dc=my,dc=local" \
>>        -D squid@my.local \
>>        -w "password" \
>>        -f "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=%v)(memberof=cn=Internet
>> Users Full NoLog,ou=Internet Groups,dc=my,dc=local))" \
>>        -h
>> # full proxy access logged
>> external_acl_type internet_users_full_log %LOGIN
>> /usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_group -R -K \
>>        -b "dc=my,dc=local" \
>>        -D squid@my.local \
>>        -w "password" \
>>        -f "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=%v)(memberof=cn=Internet
>> Users Full Log,ou=Internet Groups,dc=my,dc=local))" \
>>        -h
>> ####### acl for proxy auth and ldap authorizations
>> acl auth proxy_auth REQUIRED
>> # format "acl, aclname, acltype, acltypename, activedirectorygroup"
>> acl RestrictedAccessLog external internet_users Internet\ Users
>> acl FullAccessNoLog external internet_users_full_nolog Internet\
>> Users\ Full\ NoLog
>> acl FullAccessLog external internet_users_full_log Internet\ Users\ Full\
>> Log
>> acl whitelistsites url_regex -i "/etc/squid3/whitelistsites.txt"
>> acl blockedsites url_regex -i "/etc/squid3/blockedsites.txt"
>> ##Public DMZ Filtering, do not need to authenticate create acl type
>> acl DmzPublicWifiSubnet src
>> ####### squid defaults
>> acl manager proto cache_object
>> acl localhost src ::1
>> acl to_localhost dst ::1
>> acl SSL_ports port 443
>> acl Safe_ports port 80-81       # http
>> acl Safe_ports port 21          # ftp
>> acl Safe_ports port 443         # https
>> acl Safe_ports port 70          # gopher
>> acl Safe_ports port 210         # wais
>> acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
>> acl Safe_ports port 280         # http-mgmt
>> acl Safe_ports port 488         # gss-http
>> acl Safe_ports port 591         # filemaker
>> acl Safe_ports port 777         # multiling http
>> acl CONNECT method CONNECT
>> http_access allow manager localhost
>> http_access deny manager
>> http_access deny !Safe_ports
>> http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
>> http_access allow localhost
>> ####### enforce auth: order of rules is important for authorization levels
>> no_cache deny whitelistsites
>> http_access allow whitelistsites
>> ## Allow DMZ Public Wifi Access out without authorisation
>> http_access allow DmzPublicWifiSubnet
>> http_access allow FullAccessNoLog auth
>> http_access allow FullAccessLog auth
>> http_access deny blockedsites
>> http_access allow RestrictedAccessLog auth
>> ####### logging
>> # don't log FullAccessNoLog
>> access_log /var/log/squid3/access-proxy.log squid !FullAccessNoLog
>> ####### squid defaults
>> http_access deny all
>> #Log Connecting Client DNS Names instead on IP Names.
>> log_fqdn on
>> http_port
>> pid_filename /var/run/
>> visible_hostname
>> hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
>> coredump_dir /var/spool/squid3
>> refresh_pattern ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080
>> refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      1440
>> refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0     0%      0
>> refresh_pattern .               0       20%     4320
>> End of squid2.conf...
>> I know I have got duplicate acl's which don't need to be in
>> squid2.conf, i will remove these shortly, but just need to make sure
>> iam removing the correct lines which are no longer needed.
>> How can I make squid1 not cache anything, as I want all the cacheing
>> to be done at squid2?
> see comments above inline with the configs.
> Amos
> --
> Please be using
>  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.14
>  Beta testers wanted for

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