Hi there,when I try to access to the www.oki.cz or some pages in the www.oki.com (->Suport), I couldn't load the web page. In the log I see: Jul 22 11:01:25 serrver squid[4194]: ctx: enter level 0: 'http://czech.oki.com/' Jul 22 11:01:25 serrver squid[4194]: keepaliveAccounting: Impossible keep-alive header from 'http://czech.oki.com/' I suppose that OKI switched to new pages and somehow the create bad header. Is it some way to accept it in the squid config ? Or where is a problem ?
Thanks and best regards J.K. --Ma domena pouziva zabezpeceni a kontrolu SPF (www.openspf.org) a DomainKeys/DKIM (with ADSP) . Pokud mate problemy s dorucenim emailu, zacnete pouzivat metody overeni puvody emailu zminene vyse. Dekuji. My domain use SPF (www.openspf.org) and DomainKeys/DKIM (with ADSP) policy and check. If you've problem with sending emails to me, start using email origin methods mentioned above. Thank you.
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