On 18/07/11 23:02, Railic Njegos wrote:
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 12:57 PM, John Doe<jdmls@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Railic Njegos<railic.njegos@xxxxxxxxx>
i have problem, after uprade CentOS 5.5 to 5.6, Logrotate don't work
on two proxy servers. I have installed :
On first server , squid logs never rotated, config is here
On second server squid logs rotated every day . Config :
Before upgrade i have this config and all working nice.
Can someone help me ?
If you compare the two configuration files from your post, they are identical...
Only difference with mines is the delaycompress.
I know. But before upgrade this configuration working. But, they are
behave diferently
after upgrade. In other word, no one now is not working well.
Please explain the part about "don't work".
Multiple log files with some empty?
* check for logfile_rotate directive. Must be set to 0 when an
external log rotation software is used. Default if unset is >0.
Squid failing to answer query afterwards?
* check for crashes on -k rotate in the new version
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.14
Beta testers wanted for