On 01/07/11 07:14, Mariel Sebedio wrote:
I Have a lot of proxy over RHEL 5.4 with Squid Cache: Version 3.1.12 configure options: '--prefix=/usr' '--sysconfdir=/etc/squid' '--enable-snmp' '--enable-cache-digest' '--enable-err-language=Spanish' '--enable-delay-pools' '--disable-ipv6' --with-squid=/root/src/squid-3.1.12 --enable-ltdl-convenience And I didnot access at news in this page: http://www.minplan.gov.ar/contenidos/noticias.html All page (De Vido se reunio con el Ministro de Petroleo y Recursos Minerales de Arabia Saudita -www.minplan.gov.ar/notas/1397-de-vido-se-reuni-el-ministro-petrleo--y-recursos-minerales-arabia-saudita/El Ministro se reunio con los principales empresarios de Arabia Saudita -www.minplan.gov.ar/notas/1395-el-ministro-se-reuni-los-principales-empresarios-arabia-saudita , etc) The error is "La pagina no existe" But if I access whit out squid the page is access with out problem... I prove this with out cache (option no-store) but is the same thing. Any ideas?
This error seems to appear when the URL being requests does not actually exist. Check for things like re-writers altering the URL as it passes through your Squid. Including things like adding extra whitespace to the end of the URL.
Amos -- Please be using Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.12 Beta testers wanted for and