Hi all I'm new to the list and I decided to write here because I'm with a big trouble! I have installed an squid in bridge mode with tproxy support. Everything is working ok, but I'm using in the same squid proxy squidguard as an redirector. The problem is when the client try to access an url that is blocked squid can't receive the redirect header and page stay loading for a long time until squid return an error telling that is impossible to access the site http://<ip of my bridge interface>/negado.html If I click on the link the page opens normally!! Does anybody have any clue about this problem??? Below is my server information: CentOS 5.6 Kernel 2.6.31-14 with all the Tproxy support enabled and ok! Iptables 1.4.10 with iptables supporte Libcap 2.19 installed Squid 3.1.8 with Tproxy support ok! Routes.sh script (called from /etc/rc.d/rc.local #!/bin/sh ip route flush table 100 ip rule del fwmark 1 lookup 100 ip rule add fwmark 1 lookup 100 ip -f inet route add local dev lo table 100 iptables -t mangle -F iptables -t mangle -X DIVERT iptables -t mangle -N DIVERT iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j MARK --set-mark 1 iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j ACCEPT iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m socket -j DIVERT iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j TPROXY --tproxy-mark 0x1/0x1 --on-port 3129 ##!/bin/sh CLIENT_IFACE="eth0" INET_IFACE="eth1" ebtables -t broute -F ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -i $CLIENT_IFACE -p ipv4 --ip-proto tcp --ip-dport 80 -j redirect --redirect-target ACCEPT ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -i $INET_IFACE -p ipv4 --ip-proto tcp --ip-sport 80 -j redirect --redirect-target ACCEPT cd /proc/sys/net/bridge/ for i in * do echo 0 > $i done unset i Changes in /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct = 1 net.ipv4.conf.lo.rp_filter = 0 Squidguard.conf dbhome /var/lib/squidguard logdir /var/log/squidguard src admin { ip } dest negados { domainlist negados } acl { admin { pass !negados all redirect } default { pass none redirect } } Apache is listening on port 90, I've already tried in port 80 without success too Squid.conf (relevant part only) http_port 3128 http_port 3129 tproxy tcp_outgoing_address icp_port 3130 url_rewrite_program /usr/bin/squidguard -c /etc/squid/squidguard.conf url_rewrite_children 5 acl manager proto cache_object acl localhost src acl to_localhost dst acl SSL_ports port 443 563 acl Safe_ports port 80 21 443 563 1025-65535 8083 88 90 acl CONNECT method CONNECT #acl msn url_regex -i /gateway/gateway.dll #acl autenticado proxy_auth REQUIRED http_access allow manager localhost http_access deny manager http_access deny !Safe_ports http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports #acl liberados src acl our_networks src #http_access allow liberados #http_access deny msn #http_access allow autenticado http_access allow our_networks http_access deny all http_reply_access allow our_networks icp_access allow all miss_access allow all Thanks!! ------------------------------------------------------ Francisco André Barbosa Neto fneto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:fneto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Get Smart IT Solutions http://www.getsmart.com.br <http://www.getsmart.com.br/> Fone: 55-11-4655-2232 ------------------------------------------------------