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Re: squid 3.1.

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Hi Amos,

Thanks for your time and nice comments on the config file

It is impossible for me to use "debug_options ALL,6" under such load.
log file  grows wildly and easily eats the whole hard disk !
Any other solutions to capture the log?

Yours Faithfully,
Amir H Shenavandeh

On 11 June 2011 10:35, Amos Jeffries <squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 11/06/11 05:39, Shenavandeh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a squid installation that crashes twice a day under the load of
>> 7 Mbps bandwidth with the following message in squid.out with no
>> specific traces in cache.log
>> Startup: Fri Jun 10 15:46:20
>> dying from an unhandled exception: !theConsumer
>> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'TextException'
>> Â what(): Â!theConsumer
>> Startup: Fri Jun 10 19:55:29
>> It is compiled using following options:
>> Âsbin]# ./squid -v
>> Squid Cache: Version
>> configure options: Â'--enable-linux-netfilter'
>> '--enable-storeio=ufs,aufs' '--enable-poll'
>> '--enable-x-accelerator-vary' '--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for'
>> '--enable-ssl' '--enable-snmp' '--enable-removal-policies'
>> '--enable-gnuregex' '--with-large-files' '--enable-async-io'
>> 'CFLAGS=-DNUMTHREADS=300' --with-squid=/root/squid-
>> --enable-ltdl-convenience
>> the platform is as follows:
>> CPU :4 cores of ÂIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU Â Â Â Â Â E5504 Â@ 2.00GHz
>> RAM : 8GB
>> OS: CentOS 5.6 :
>> Kernel: Linux version 2.6.25 compiled with tproxy option.
>> the Squid configuration:
>> cache_mem 4000 MB
>> dead_peer_timeout 30 seconds
>> hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
>> acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
>> no_cache deny QUERY
> hierarchy_stoplist and the QUERY bits are outdated. It is worth removing
> these.
>> maximum_object_size 50 MB
>> maximum_object_size_in_memory 500 KB
>> minimum_object_size 0 KB
>> cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
>> memory_replacement_policy heap LRU
>> acl manager proto cache_object
>> acl localhost src ::1
>> acl to_localhost dst ::1
>> acl localnet src Â Â# RFC1918 possible internal network
>> acl localnet src Â Â# RFC1918 possible internal network
>> acl localnet src Â Â# RFC1918 possible internal network
>> acl localnet src fc00::/7 Â Â Â # RFC 4193 local private network range
>> acl localnet src fe80::/10 Â Â Â# RFC 4291 link-local (directly
>> plugged) machines
>> acl SSL_ports port 443
>> acl Safe_ports port 80 Â Â Â Â# http
>> acl Safe_ports port 21 Â Â Â Â# ftp
>> acl Safe_ports port 443 Â Â Â Â# https
>> acl Safe_ports port 70 Â Â Â Â# gopher
>> acl Safe_ports port 210 Â Â Â Â# wais
>> acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 Â Â# unregistered ports
>> acl Safe_ports port 280 Â Â Â Â# http-mgmt
>> acl Safe_ports port 488 Â Â Â Â# gss-http
>> acl Safe_ports port 591 Â Â Â Â# filemaker
>> acl Safe_ports port 777 Â Â Â Â# multiling http
>> acl CONNECT method CONNECT
>> http_access allow manager localhost
>> http_access deny manager
>> http_access deny !Safe_ports
>> http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
>> http_access allow to_localhost
> This is dangerous.
> Âto_localhost is designed to match a class of attack signatures and prevent
> DoS. It is intended for use in a "deny" line.
>> http_access allow localhost
>> http_access allow localnet
>> http_access allow to_localhost
> A second "allow to_localhost" is useless. The first will stop processing
> when it gets tested and matches.
>> http_access deny all
>> http_port 3128 tproxy
>> hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
> repeat directive, worth removing.
>> cache_dir aufs /cache 24000 16 256
>> coredump_dir cache
>> # Add any of your own refresh_pattern entries above these.
>> refresh_pattern ^ftp: Â Â Â Â1440 Â Â20% Â Â10080
>> refresh_pattern ^gopher: Â Â1440 Â Â0% Â Â1440
>> refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 Â Â0% Â Â0
>> refresh_pattern . Â Â Â Â0 Â Â20% Â Â4320
>> cache_effective_user squid
>> cache_effective_group squid
>> half_closed_clients off
>> buffered_logs on
>> client_db off
>> quick_abort_max 0 KB
>> quick_abort_min 0 KB
>> memory_pools off
>> cache_swap_high 95%
>> cache_swap_low 90
>> logfile_rotate 10%
> logfile_rotate is not a percentage. It is a count of many log files to keep.
> A new one is generated ever time you run "squid -k rotate"
>> visible_hostname    ÂCache
> Interesting FQDN.
> The admin@Cache contact address for example, does not resolve here.
>> quick_abort_min 32 KB
>> quick_abort_max 32 KB
>> quick_abort_pct 95
>> negative_ttl 3 minutes
>> positive_dns_ttl 6 hours
>> pipeline_prefetch on
>> acl snmpkey snmp_community public
>> snmp_port 3401
>> snmp_access allow snmpkey localhost
>> snmp_access deny all
>> refresh_pattern -i
>> \.(iso|avi|wav|mp3|mp4|mpeg|swf|flv|x-flv|mpg|wma|ogg|wmv|asx|asf)$
>> 260000 90% 260009 override-expire
>> refresh_pattern -i
>> \.(deb|rpm|exe|zip|tar|tgz|ram|rar|bin|ppt|doc|tiff|pdf|uxx)$ 260000
>> 90% 260009 override-expire
> These refresh_pattern lines are useless. The query and dot patterns above
> catch all URL in existence. Squid never gets past them to match these.
>> I would be most grateful if somebody helps me out.
>> Yours Faithfully,
>> ---
>> Amir H Sh
> A few seconds search in bugzilla shows this:
> Â
> Perhapse you can help provide a trace (debug_options ALL,6) and help track
> down where it is coming from.
> Amos
> --
> Please be using
> ÂCurrent Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.12
> ÂBeta testers wanted for and

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