Amos Jeffries <squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: [...] > Speed gain/loss/other depends on what you are moving from. > > MORE IMPORTANTLY: how you define "slow"! > OK, getting down to cases here. Here is one test.. First clear the cache just the simple way tools/options/advanced/network `clear now' Close firefox (4.0.1) Start firefox (It starts on google which is struggling to resolve) Clear the cache once more Type this URL in Start stopwatch, then start firefox on that address by hitting enter.. I get 1:32 (one min, 32 sec) with chain of browser => squid => privoxy in place Now with no proxy at all. CLear the cache, kill firefox. Start firefox, (it starts on google very quickly), clear the cache once more for good measure. Type in, Start the stopwatch, then start firefox on that address by hitting enter... I get 0:9 (9 seconds) with no proxy in place That is something on the order of 900% faster... I think. ------- --------- ---=--- --------- -------- What kind of things should I do to start tracking down what is hampering the connections so bad.