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Re: trouble with www address not resolving

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On 03/06/2011 19:24, William Bakken wrote:

Amos, is there a way to tell Squid to stop asking for AAAA records/IPv6?
We are having problems with other sites not working in the same way.

On 04/06/11 16:37, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
The answer is to disable IPV6 on squid and on the linux machine and

but we do not know that this is the case..

Correct. If you have IPv6 _properly_ disabled in the OS. Such that applications attempting to open IPv6 sockets for use get denied. Squid 3.1.10+ will pick that up next restart and not try to perform IPv6 again until next restart.

There is the small matter of a lot of garbage tutorials about how to disable IPv6 in the OS though. It has to be done in a way where a program opening a IPv6 socket gets an error message back. Not letting the app open and use the socket, (spewing errors out all over the place) or to hanging (frowning mostly at some RHEL user blogs there).

Re-building Squid with --disable-ipv6 is another more extreme option.

do you have a local DNS server on the machine for caching and forwarding?

you can setup on the squid to use the local dns server and on the dns
server setup specific forwarding zone for this domain NS

this will result a much more efficient way to get it done and to make
your system more reliable by any case.

I recommend this way.
* Site-specific to allow access to all the working v6-only sites (1% of the Internet now).
 * Easily reversible once the site starts working.

Best best way is to get the site fixed ASAP. From the other post by Rick from Carfax it looks like they are on the issue now.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.12
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