Hello Squid Users, I have a machine that has static connections (running apache, vsftpd, etc). Upstream bandwidth is costly, so I would like to use our D-S-L connection to save up on some traffic. On D-S-L line, IP changes at each authentication [(PPPoE authentication using a secondary IP route table). I am using a secondary route table as follows: echo '101 d-s-l' >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables ip rule add from table d-s-l ip route add default via table d-s-l ip rule add from table d-s-l squid: tcp_outgoing_address [ being ppp interface IP, being DSLAM IP from telco] This works. However, on PPPoE, end points are not known beforehand so I cannot attach squid outgoing. Machine has eth0, eth1, and ppp (over eth1). eth0 is static server IP where main routing is done. D-S-L is on eth1 via ip route table above. Is it possible to bind squid to an interface? I think this sounded absurd :) Other option probably tcp_outgoing_tos/mark? Have a good day! Jenny