You'll never silence the voice of the voiceless, squid-users! 2011/05/19 16:47:22 -0400 Carlos Manuel Trepeu Pupo <charlie.mtp@xxxxxxxxx> => To Amos Jeffries : CMTP> Sorry, I already know that squid itsn't that I want, but do you know CMTP> any relay XMPP, I search and I didn't find anything CMTP> CMTP> >> I have a rule that tell all the incoming traffic in XMPP ports go to CMTP> >> my squid at 3128 port, but nothing happens, even in the log of squid CMTP> >> do not appear nothing. CMTP> >> CMTP> >> I make a proof with my Jabber (Openfire) in/out throw Kerio and there CMTP> >> is no problem, so I'm missing some squid's configuration to do this, CMTP> >> or Squid it's not the solution to my trouble. You can manage all the incoming traffic in XMPP ports go to your Jabber the same way you can do to your squid? 73! Peter pgp: A0E26627 (4A42 6841 2871 5EA7 52AB 12F8 0CE1 4AAC A0E2 6627) --