Hi list, I have squid Version 2.7.STABLE9 and I tried to setup a multi instance squid system as proposed at http://wiki.squid-cache.org/MultipleInstances I used the "http_port" setting to create two (2) independent squid instances running at the same ip address but on different ports : Squid no 1 listening at port 81 and Squid no 2 listening at port 82 and icp ports at 3131 & 3132 respectively Also I configure the "cache_peer" setting so as to have sibling between the 2 squid instances : cache_peer ip sibling 82 3132 no-netdb-exchange no-delay no-digest proxy-only , at the no 1 squid and cache_peer ip sibling 81 3131 no-netdb-exchange no-delay no-digest proxy-only , at the no 2 squid. This is where my problems are occurring. When the first request arrives at squid no 1 - of course TCP_MISS:FIRST_UP_PARENT - I can see from the access log : GET http://FQDN:81/resourcepath I was expecting when I request the same resource and squid no 2 reply to me, I sould get a cache hit but instead I got a TCP_MISS: FIRST_UP_PARENT and of course from the access log : GET http://FQDN:82/resourcepath Subsequent requests to either http://FQDN:81/resourcepath or http://FQDN:82/resourcepath are HITS I am running two (2) different proxies - one with the prefix ":81" and the other with the prefix ":82" - without any sibling hit. Looks like I have 2 isolated squids which is not what I want. Why is this happening? Is this happening because of the existence of the port at the URL? Can I configure squid to ignore it Thanks GnZ