Hi list, I have the following problem in my centos 5.6, I am using it for proxy and filter of content with they squid+havp+dansguardian, the server has one network card and I cannot put another one, I do not have slot pci, I cannot put it in transparent way, all the clients proxy has manual, the detail is that when I acces to pages like hotmail, gmail etc etc does not open the sites with https my diagram is pc Lan ===dansguardian port 8080 + squid 3128 localhost + havp 8090 I have open port in my firewall 8080 , but the problem is when access a pages with https not load this is mi log in squid TCP_MISS/200 340 GET http://www.hotmail.com - DEFAULT_PARENT/ text/html any idea? -- rickygm http://gnuforever.homelinux.com