If by "forwarded" you mean NAT. Authentication is not possible. See the > FAQ about why. > http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/InterceptionProxy#Why_can.27t_I_use_authentication_together_with_interception_proxying.3F > > > > > Are there any examples for having 2 authentication methods run at > > once? Does this mean the user would have to pick an option when > > The *user* does not know anything or need to. Their browser does it. > > > connecting to the server? I don;t think that will work for iPads, > > xboxes, DVD players, etc accessing a proxy server as they connect > > automatically without interaction. My current version is 2.6 - will > > this work with that? So, Connection route A: Direct to proxy listening on port 80 and port 8080 with ncsa auth. Ports 80, 8080, 443 will continue to be accessed with ncsa auth. Connection route B: VPN with squid logging the websites. Squid listening on port xxx1. The logs will only contain an IP address from connections form port xxx1? I need to make a change in iptables to block outside connections to port xxx1 and only allow port xxx1 to be accessed form the VPN network. What do I do with port 443 in this instance? Do I need to make a new https port on squid and forward VPN:443 to squid:xxx? Connection route C: Direct to proxy listening on port xxx2 with IP address auth. You mentioned in the earlier email chain that if I setup IP auth as well as ncsa auth then this will mess up the authentication mechanism. Is there no other way to have 2 authentication methods running at the same time?