On 19/04/11 21:53, Helmut Hullen wrote:
Hallo, cc,
Du meintest am 19.04.11:
Icmp4.cc:116: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct icmphdr'
Icmp4.cc:96: error: forward declaration of `struct icmphdr'
<snip many repetitions on the problem>
Am I missing something?
Some required header is not being found.
during ./configure wouldn't it tell me what header is missing and
not let me continue?
No - no such message.
I mean some file which needs to be found and used. But we the dev (and
thus ./configure which we write) do not know about.
Can you please supply the output of:
grep -R "struct icmphdr" /usr/include/
(/usr/include/ being the usual location for system header files. If
Slackware uses a different directory please grep that other place).
"struct icmphdr" should be defined in one of the netinet/ files. We need
to start with figuring out which.
Please be using
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